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A Christmas party “4+1 questions and a toast” – BicoQ

The entire Physics Department and the INFN staff are cordially invited to the Christmas party “4+1 questions and a toast”, which will feature a summary of the research activities of BiCoQ and an online seminar by Prof. Chris Tully (Princeton University) entitled “PTOLEMY: unraveling the cosmology of relic neutrinos”.

The event will take place on Thursday, 2023, December 14th, in Aula Sironi (U4-08), starting from 9:30 am. Streaming will also be available at the link https://cern.zoom.us/j/67737042190?pwd=QlJkOHgrWS8vODFYSFc2STd0S1lzZz09

The full program of the event is visible at the link https://indico.cern.ch/event/1351579/

A Christmas party “4+1 questions and a toast”