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The research lines of BiCoQ





The objective of GRAF (GRAvitation global Fit) is the development of new models and analysis techniques for
high-precision measurements of
gravitational waves

The objective of BAUSCIA (Bulk Acoustic Wave Sensors for High-frequency Antennas) is the development of sensors to extend the diagnostic power in the dark sector with gravitational antennas of high frequency (>1 MHz)

The objective of ARMONIA (Aspetti Reconditi della Materia Oscura: Nuove Indagini Astrofisiche, that is "The secrets of dark matter: new astrophysical studies") is the development of new techniques to characterise the nature of dark matter and dark energy through the  Cosmic Birefringence
of the CMB and the structural properties of filaments and dark galaxies

The objective of CADMO (CAndidati Dark Matter Oltre paradigma WIMP, that is "Dark Matter candidates beyond the WIMP paradigm") is the development of new devices for detection of photons in the extreme ultraviolet to search for dark matter candidates beyond the WIMP paradigm

Advanced studies

BiCoQ promotes advanced training in the research subjects of the centre at doctoral and undergraduate levels through dedicated courses, workshops, seminars, and thesis projects.

Impact and Dissemination

BiCoQ offers a rich programme of communication and exchange events, including seminar series, international conferences, and visiting programmes open to researchers worldwide.

See all upcoming and past events

Advisory Board

BiCoQ is in the process of appointing an external advisory board composed of eminent scientists who are active in the research disciplines of the centre. This board will advise the internal steering committee, helping BiCoQ to successfully complete its research goals.

Work with us

Open call for PhD positions within BiCoQ. Find more details and apply here.

Visiting Program

We support a visiting program for seminars, lectures, and research activities on BiCoQ research topics. Members of the Physics Department can submit a proposal for funding collaboration visits through this form (access restricted). 

Latest news